


Natural sepiolite purification + activation + modification triple Technology (the purification technology has obtained the national invention patent, patent No.: zl200710034780.1) is adopted to process the air purification product through high-tech processing. It has significant adsorption effect on free odor molecules in indoor air and harmful gases such as formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene and TVOC. It is a good helper for you and your family to live a healthy life.

Product model and specification

Sepiolite household deodorizer

twenty × 50g=1000g

Product function

Remove toxic and harmful gases such as formaldehyde, benzene, toluene and xylene and odor components such as total volatile organic compounds in the room, hall, wardrobe, drawer and shoe cabinet.

Disposal after product replacement

Sepiolite comes from soil and is rich in silicon, magnesium, calcium, potassium and other nutrients. After replacement, the product can be placed in the flowerpot as flower soil.

Tel: 18873261373


Natural sepiolite purification + activation + modification triple Technology (the purification technology has obtained the national invention patent, patent No.: zl200710034780.1) is adopted to process the air purification product through high-tech processing. It has significant adsorption effect on free odor molecules in indoor air and harmful gases such as formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene and TVOC. It is a good helper for you and your family to live a healthy life.

Product model and specification

Sepiolite household deodorizer

twenty × 50g=1000g

Product function

Remove toxic and harmful gases such as formaldehyde, benzene, toluene and xylene and odor components such as total volatile organic compounds in the room, hall, wardrobe, drawer and shoe cabinet.

Disposal after product replacement

Sepiolite comes from soil and is rich in silicon, magnesium, calcium, potassium and other nutrients. After replacement, the product can be placed in the flowerpot as flower soil.

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Product recommendation

利川市| 全椒县| 揭西县| 绥芬河市| 宁德市| 东阳市| 弥渡县| 邢台县| 白山市| 柳江县| 巫溪县| 黄山市| 酒泉市| 新巴尔虎右旗| 西乡县| 留坝县| 衡山县| 新兴县| 东台市| 通城县| 桃园县| 承德市| 永春县| 介休市| 登封市| 大化| 鄯善县| 汉中市| 旬阳县| 邵阳县| 来宾市| 泰顺县| 神农架林区| 南乐县| 黑河市| 甘谷县| 神池县| 富蕴县| 洪洞县| 化隆| 庄浪县|